on the right side is the huber technik vertriebs GmbH logo. on the left side is the cow huberte. in the middle are written in light green letters "cubicles, Alley floors and Milking parlour".

Information brochures

General information and an overview of all available products can be downloaded here.

Do you have questions about possible pollutants such as PAH in rubber stable coverings or about avoidably defective rubber roll goods? Here you will find the first answers.

Installation instructions, data sheets and DLG- test reports

You have chosen an endless rubber stall covering from our company and would like to read the installation instructions again? Here you can find all installation instructions as PDF download.

Soft bed HT 4GS WINGS &
Soft bed HT 8GS WINGS

The HT soft beds in the WINGS series offer maximum softness and perfect cow comfort when lying down. The solid rubber profile at the top and bottom ensures optimum sealing of the packed foam base. Download information:

Data_sheet_4GS_WINGS_SoftBed Data_sheet_8GS_WINGS_soft_bed DLGTestReport7461_8GSWINGS InstallationGuide_softbed_WINGS General_information_rubber_

Soft bed HT 4GS &
soft bed HT 8GS

The HT 4GS and 8GS soft beds have been developed for use in raised concrete cubicles with slopes and self-supporting dividers. They consist of a rubber cover sheet and special composite foam plates for maximum cow comfort. Download information:

Data_sheet_4GS_soft_bed DLGTestReport7247_4GS Data_sheet_8GS_soft_bed InstallationGuide_SoftBed_4GS_8GS DLGTestReport7246_8GS General_information_rubber_

Alley floor N26 ALLEY

The N26 ALLEY walkway flooring is a elastic rubber flooring that offers exceptionally good slip resistance when walking and standing. The profile with special grooves promotes urine and manure separation. This leads to less ammonia formation and healthier claws – for optimum cow comfort. Download information:

Data_sheet_N26_ALLEY DLGTestReport7405_N26_ALLEY InstallatioGuide_N26_ALLEY General_information_rubber_

Alley floors N15 & N18

Our alleyway coverings N15 and N18 have been developed for use in levelled, concreted walkways. The rubber coverings have a proven hammered structure on the upper side and a special nubbed geometry on the underside for the best cow comfort in walkways. Download information:

Data_sheet_N18_alley_floor Data_sheet_N15_alley_floor Data_sheet_N15_feeding_step DLGTestReport6910_conti_monit General_information_rubber_

Comfort rolls N20, N25 & N33

Our comfort rolls N20, N25 and N33 have a pleasant softness and offer the best cow comfort when lying down. They are installed directly onto a concrete base. Download information:

Data_sheet_N20_alley_floor DLGTestReport7252_N20 Data_sheet_N25_comfort_roll DLGTestReport7250_N25 Data_sheet_N33_comfort_roll InstallationGuide_comfort_rolls DLGTestReport7249_N33 General_information_rubber_

HT KombiBox

The ideal combination of soft bed and deep box – for healthy udders and clean cows. The KombiBox offers the comfort of a soft bed with composite foam combined with bedding at the rear of the cubicle. Download information:



Data_sheet_HT_KombiBox InstallationGuide_KombiBox DLGTestReport6910_conti_monit General_information_rubber_

Scrubbing console HT MOO-Massage

The durable scrubbing option HT MOO-Massage for bulls and cattle from Huber Technik. Easy installation and maintenance. Download information:

Data_sheet_MOO-Massage DLGTestReport6910_conti_monit General_information_rubber_

Rubber slatted cover
KalbKomfort N20 PRÄRIE

Our new product is a rubber slatted cover for MIK Prärie calf slats as a cost-effective refurbishment solution that meets all requirements for greater animal welfare. KalbKomfort N20 PRÄRIE is good advice on retrofitting calf pens that are still only equipped with plastic slats.

Data_sheet_KalbKomfortN20_PRÄRIE DLGTestReport7445_KK_N20_PRÄRIE InstallationGuide_KKN20_PRAERIE KalbKomfort_FactSheet_en General_information_rubber_

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